Tiagabine (Epilepsy = ALL)

Exposed non-exposed studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Population source Exposure definition Non-exposure definition Sample size Rmk
Vajda (Tiagabine) (Controls exposed to Lamotrigine, sick) , 2019 Australia
1999 - 2018
Pregnant women taking antiepileptic drugs for any indications or not treated with antiepileptic drugs in at least the first half of pregnancy. Offsprings born from women nearly always with epilepsy exposed to tiagabine in monotherapy in at least the first trimester of pregnancy. (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). exposed to other treatment, sick
Offsprings born from women nearly always with epilepsy exposed to lamotrigine in monotherapy in at least the first trimester of pregnancy.
1 / 406 Women with epilepsy accounted for 98.3%. Completely overlap Vajda 2014. Study design partly completed with Vajda 2013.
Vajda (Tiagabine) (Controls unexposed, sick), 2019 Australia
1999 - 2018
Pregnant women taking antiepileptic drugs for any indications or not treated with antiepileptic drugs in at least the first half of pregnancy. Offsprings born from women nearly always with epilepsy exposed to tiagabine in monotherapy in at least the first trimester of pregnancy. (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). unexposed, sick
Offsprings born from women nearly always with epilepsy not treated with antiepileptic drugs in at least the first half of pregnancy.
1 / 176 Women with epilepsy accounted for 98.3%. Completely overlap Vajda 2014. Study design partly completed with Vajda 2013.

Case-control studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Case Control Sample size Rmk

master protocol