
Exposed non-exposed studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Population source Exposure definition Non-exposure definition Sample size Rmk
Källén (control exposed to ergots), 2011 Sweden
1995 - 2008
All deliveries in Sweden (1 211 670 women) recorded in the Medical Birth Register with data from antenatal care. Infants born to women who had used Zolmitriptan during pregnancy. (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). exposed to other treatment, sick
Infants born to women who had used Ergots drugs for migraine during pregnancy. (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study).
362 / 527 Exposed groups of the whole study: drugs for migraine (ergots or triptans).
Källén (control unexposed, disease free), 2011 Sweden
1995 - 2008
All deliveries in Sweden (1 211 670 women) recorded in the Medical Birth Register with data from antenatal care. Infants born to women who had used Zolmitriptan during pregnancy. (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). unexposed, disease free
Infants born to women who did not use drugs for migraine.
362 / 1229901 Exposed groups of the whole study: drugs for migraine (ergots or triptans). 1229901= Total number of infants (n=1233228) - Number of infants whose mother used drugs for migraine in 1st trimester (n=3327)
Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, disease free), 2013 Norway
2004 - 2007
All singleton deliveries (after the 12th gestational week) without chromosomal abnormalities during the study period. Zolmitriptan prescription redemption during pregnancy ('anytime' or 'during the first trimester' or 'during the second trimester' or 'during the third trimester'). (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). unexposed, disease free
Pregnant women did not redeem triptans during the study period (the population comparison group).
156 / 178565 Other triptans also studied.
Nezvalová-Henriksen (Control unexposed, sick), 2013 Norway
2004 - 2007
All singleton deliveries (after the 12th gestational week) without chromosomal abnormalities during the study period. Zolmitriptan prescription redemption during pregnancy ('anytime' or 'during the first trimester' or 'during the second trimester' or 'during the third trimester'). (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). unexposed, sick
Triptan prescription redemption between 7 and 1 month prior to pregnancy only.
156 / 1095 Other triptans also studied.
Spielmann (Control mainly exposed other treatments, sick), 2017 Germany
1999 - 2014
Cohort of pregnant women enrolled by the German Embryotox system for risk assessment related to pregnancy. Pregnant women with Zolmitriptan use for migraine disorder any time from conception to delivery. (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). exposed to other treatment, sick
Pregnant women suffering from migraine disorder but not taking triptans between their last menstrual period and delivery.
75 / 475 The majority of exposed women took triptans in the first trimester (75.2%). Sumatriptan was the most frequently used triptan. Other triptans also studied.
Spielmann (Control unexposed, disease free), 2017 Germany
1999 - 2014
Cohort of pregnant women enrolled by the German Embryotox system for risk assessment related to pregnancy. Pregnant women with Zolmitriptan use for migraine disorder any time from conception to delivery. (This is a subgroup of exposure among the whole exposed group considered in the study). unexposed, disease free
Pregnant women without migraine disorder who were neither exposed to triptans nor to one of the following established teratogens or fetotoxicant.
75 / 1733 The majority of exposed women took triptans in the first trimester (75.2%). Sumatriptan was the most frequently used triptan. Other triptans also studied.

Case-control studies (cohort)

Study Country
Study period
Case Control Sample size Rmk

master protocol